How to Write Fiction – A Basic Guide

write fiction

Ever thought about how you can write fiction? You are about to go over some basic steps to write that fiction book that you have been thinking about writing.

Know What and Why

what and why

The very first step is to determine what are you writing and why. You should have a clear idea as to what genre you will be writing in and the motive behind it. Some authors decide to write in a genre that they deem profitable while others decide to write in a genre that they like. Likewise, some decide to write to make a profit while others do it out of joy. During this initial phase, you should also consider your audience. Will this book be for young or mature audiences?

Once you have decided this, think about books that you have read in the genre you chose and ask yourself what do you like and don’t like about those books? This will help you avoid some of the pitfalls and will guide you as to what good habits you should pick on.

Writing Place and Schedule

writing place

Now that you have established your audience and genre, it is time to begin the writing process. It is recommended that you find a space where you can write away from distractions and interruptions. This will help you concentrate fully on your project and accomplish more each time you work on it. Fiction comes from your imagination; therefore, it is important that you have a place where you can let your ideas flow.

You should also set up a writing schedule to stay consistent with content creation. There have been many stories that have died before they are even born due to procrastination. If you set up a writing schedule, it will help you with accountability. Include goals and deadlines in your schedule to put some pressure on yourself to keep you on track. Accomplishing small goals will also keep you motivated to continue, making you a more consistent writer as a result.

Given that fiction writing flows from ideas, it is important to always carry a small notebook where you can jot down thoughts about setting, characters, plot, dialogue, etc. One of my professors in college suggested to always have a small notebook next to my bed in case ideas just flow before going to bed, and trust me, they do. If you do not like the thought of a small notebook, use your phone to create voice notes instead. Do whatever it takes to avoid losing those moments of spark that come out of nowhere because sometimes they are some of the best.

Write Your Story

write story

It is now time for you to write down the components of your story. Briefly, write down your setting (where the story will take place), the plot (what the story will be about), and your characters (who will be the protagonist and the antagonist of the story). During this step, you can also determine the point of view (will your story be written in first person? Narrated?).

The next step will be for you to create an outline for your story. Divide your story into three main categories: your introduction, your body, and your resolution. Divide each category into chapters. This will make the writing process so much easier. It is important to introduce your characters early in the story to engage the reader. As the story unfolds, the characters will develop.

You now have a general idea as to what your story will be about, which leads to the next and longest step: writing your story. Try to find what inspires you and create an optimal writing atmosphere. Some people like to listen to music to let their thoughts flow. Others like to read a bit before writing. Find out what works for you and capitalize on it. If for some reason you are having a hard time writing, I suggest not to force it. A story should flow naturally and should never feel like it was rushed or forced. Stand up and take a walk to clear your mind. Come back to writing after you feel rested and refreshed. Ideas will flow better with a clear mind. It is important to describe your story. This means, do not tell the reader what is happening, show the reader what is happening. Paint a picture instead of just saying exactly what characters do.

Edit Your Story

edit story

Once you have finished your first draft, read it aloud. This will allow you to pick up any disruptions in the flow of the story and, most important, it will help you with the flow of the dialogue among characters. During this step, you will be able to identify any typos. You will also get rid of things in the story that do not fit or develop the story more in parts where needed.

Although editing the story yourself is recommended, it is important to have a professional editor go through your final draft. Remember that it is important to provide a high-quality story. Fiction readers tend to be high consumers and they can easily identify when a story is poorly written. You do not want to drive away readers due to poor editing. A very good story can be tarnished by typos, which can eventually lead to its failure. Therefore, before publishing, ask for feedback. Have a few people read your story and ask them to share their thoughts with you.

Title and Cover

title and cover

Now that your story is complete, all you need to do is to come up with the title for your book and your cover. Have someone with experience create your book cover. This will be one of the most important marketing materials that you will invest on. If a cover is not attractive enough to spark interest on the reader, it will not sell.

Congratulations, you have now learned how to write fiction.

Happy writing!


To learn how to write non fiction, click here.